Monday, October 28, 2013

28 October 2013

Hermana Cornwall, Delia, Hermana Gonzales, Karen & Elder Minker


It was the last week of the transfer, so I found out that I am going to Fairfield! My new companion will be Hermana Hernandez. She actually was in my zone my first two transfers here.  We already know each other.  I am very excited to serve with her.  I think we are going to be an awesome companionship! I have been packing.  On Wednesday I will leave Davis and start another adventure! I can't believe that so much time has passed here! I have grown so much already and learned so much and done so much, I can't believe it! Mission's are the greatest/worst thing because you have the Lord's help all of the way!
So this week -- We had a great week going and doing what we have to do. Last Monday we had a lesson with our new investigators, Elisabeth and Juan Carlos! They are a little family and they are just so interesting. I am so excited for them. She seems very interested and has already been reading the Book of Mormon. It is just great to see her taking it all in right at the beginning.
Tuesday we had an interesting service opportunity. Someone that grew up as a member of the church now has fallen away because of some differences of opinion. She wasn't interested in hearing our message but she saw that we were Spanish speaking and asked us to help her on her spanish test! So we did, but at the end we talked about the Holy Ghost and things.  We were able to share a little bit of what we know she needed to hear. Then we taught Antonio. He was the one that came to church last week! He is awesome! His family are members and so he has the basics.  He just has the interest and excitement to take the steps necessary. We had another awesome lesson with the youngest son of the Rubio family. He is a senor in high school and truly searching for the truth. He is the nephew of Marychuy and she bore an awesome testimony to him of the truth of the Church and we have a lesson with him tomorrow.  We will see how it goes.
Wednesday we tried out a new street we had never been on before near Hilda's house. It was nice to not know anyone and be able to just be free to talk to people. We had a lesson with Hilda about the plan of salvation. We hope that it goes into her heart to soften her to the way of life, being a member of the church. She has the truth she just doesn't know how to use it.  I hope that she will progress soon! We taught Elisabeth and Juan Carlos again. She had read in the Book of Mormon, liked it and understood it. He told us that he is only curious so we will see!
Thursday was a little different because Sister Brighton had a meeting in Santa Rosa on Friday and so we did our weekly planning on Thursday. It lead to less to talk about today, but we did visit a woman who invited to watch the restoration video with them.  She said that she had already seen it! So that was cool and I wo'nt know what happens.  I hope something does happen for her!
On Friday, because of the meeting, I spent the day with the Davis YSA Sisters. The only problem was that they did their planning, so I just worked on visual aids for lessons and other fun things! In the evening we heard about transfers. It is always a very exciting day because of all the anticipation and then it is always fun to hear. I was pretty sure that I was leaving, but it was fun to just wait at the other end of the line for them to get to your name.  Then they say that you need to pack up all your stuff and leave! It was kind of exciting though!
Saturday we went to go see Brenda. She has had some trouble, so I don't know if she will be able to meet with us anymore.  I hope what we did do made a difference. We saw la familia Rodas. It was good to see them. Their life is kind of crazy right now but it was nice to see them. The only sad part was that I had to tell them I am getting transferred. They have been those people here in Davis that I have really felt close to.  I know that the missionaries that will be here will be what they need. I hope that their life can settle so that they can put what is truly important first.  We will see!   I met a girl from Fairfield. She used to live here in Davis but moved out there so she was here with a friend. I wrote down her number and will look her up when I get there! It was crazy but awesome!
Sunday was horrible in the sense that I had to say goodbye to everyone. I didn't think it was going to be too bad, but when the branch President announced who was leaving he got really choked up. He couldn't even shake my hand at the end without tearing up. Oh Presidente Perez! He is a wonderful man. I appreciate him greatly and have grown so much in my Spanish, in my abilities as a missionary, and my self as a person with his help. I am grateful for him, more than any words can say. The nice things was that we as Sisters sang in sacrament meeting. We wanted to do 'Come Thou Fount' but we didn't have the words in Spanish.  We decided to do 'Joseph Smith's First Vision' to the tune of 'Come Thou Fount'. The music was too hard to play so we had to find better music and then do it.  It all worked out and was really lovely! Also, Antonio came to church again so it was awesome! The missionaries leaving are Me, Hermana Gonzalez and Elder Minkler. It has been a wonderful time in the branch and I will be sad to leave.  It is all for the best. We had our Charla Fogenera (Fireside) on Family History. No one but the other missionaries and the branch president's family showed up.  It still was a nice event! We hope to have a more successful one in the future.
It has been a wonderful time here in Davis and I know there are only better times to come. I have learned so much and have grown so much also. I still have a long way to go but it will be wonderful as I now will go and help the people in Fairfield. I love each of you very much, I hope you always recognize the Lord in your life and remember that You have a Heaven;y Father who loves you very much!
Love ya,
Hermana Cornwall

P.S. I realize now that next week will bring a whole different list of investigators so I am excited to go to Fairfield and meet the people there and then I will tell you about them!
Pasta Party

Hermana Cornwall, Delia, Hermana Gonzales & Karen

Sister Cornwall, Sister Gonzales & Bro. Joel Rodregez (EQ Pres.)

Hermana Cornwall & Hermana Gonzales with Bro. Hoglund (in the Branch Presdncy)
Hermana Cornwall with Karen

Hermana Cornwall with Bro. Stapp
Hermana Cornwall with Sister Harris

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