Tuesday, November 5, 2013

04 November 2013 - Fairfield

I am not too much farther away, but I feel like I am in a whole different world and I love it! Fairfield is awesome! The first thing is that I have an awesome companion Hermana Hernandez. She served in my zone for the my first 2 transfers, so I already know her decently well. She is from Fresno California. She is a Spanish native to the language and is an awesome missionary. The wonderful thing about knowing your companion before is that you are already friends and then you just go from there. We have really gotten along amazing well and I am just so excited for this transfer. 
There is a Spanish branch here in Fairfield. They are great! I met them on Sunday and they are small but strong! There are 3 sets of missionaries in the branch which covers Fairfield and Cordelia, a neighboring town.  Hermana Hernandez and I actually cover part of Cordelia also! The first set of missionaries in Fairfield east is Elder Foster and Elder Wright. Shout out to Aunt Terri - Elder Wright is from Gilbert Arizona and said he knows you! There is also a trio with Elder Garity (this is his last transfer and he is my district leader), Elder Smith (a greenie) and Elder Fonseca who I actually knew already kind of sort of [Elder Fonseca is from Duarte]. I am  now very excited to actually get to know him.  I have some awesome Zone leaders Elder Walker and Elder Terrill. They are awesome and fun.  I know how awesome they are because my companion is the Sister Training Leader over the zone and so I get to be in all of the meetings with her!
I have just been amazed by how much love I have received here and I already feel so comfortable and happy.  It can't get much better than this! Oh, and the part I forgot to mention was that we live with members! The are the Carlsons.  They are probably in there late 70s maybe 80s - I don't know. They ask us to call them Grandma and Grandpa and they leave fruit out for us and little goodies on the table.  They give us a goodnight kiss everynight. I love them and I can't imagine anything better! Anyway...every day I am just overflowing with happiness about Fairfield. The work is a little dry at the moment.  We do have quite a few less-actives, more than Davis, and their is always plenty of potential.  So that doesn't get me down at all.
Marychury's daughter Miranda and Marychury
My last few days in Davis were a little sad. I had my last meal with the Familia Perez. they have truly been my home away from home and I am so glad. Then I had my last lesson with Brandon the Nephew of Marychuy. When I told him I was leaving he asked if he could give me a goodbye hug. I felt horrible that I had to say no, but rules are rules. Then saying goodbye to Marychuy was also hard. She has been the rock in Davis and I know she will single handedly change the work there!
Investigator Brandon on the right
.Then Tuesday We had our last supper as missionaries of the branch at the familia Contreras. They are so sweet to feed the missionaries every Tuesday! Then we had an amazing lesson with Antonio. He is totally going to get baptized really soon and I am so happy for him! He is reading the Book of Mormon and going to church and open to all of it! I am so grateful to have been one of the missionaries in his progressing. 
Wednesday was transfer day. I only had to drive about 45 minutes to Fairfield, hooked up with my companion and then I met Grandma and Grandpa. Moved in a little and then we were off! We just did some contacting and then we had a lunch appointment with one of the families in the ward! In the evening I taught my first lesson with Daisy and Manuel. They are a young couple that have been investigators for a while. Hermana Hernandez just barely picked them up.  They are newly investigators again. She is ready to be baptized but he doesn't feel the passion to go to church over his passion to play soccer. We really think he is ready to change so we are excited to see what happens. Then I met a recent convert named Andres! He is awesome and progressing as a member quite well!
Thursday was a fun day of Halloween! We had a normal day until after our dinner with Andres. We had few appointments, but if all of those fell through we were supposed to do weekly planning. We did do a little weekly planning that night and Grandma and Grandpa asked us to pass out candy for a little while and that was fun.  It turned out to be a pretty calm night which was fun!
On Friday we had our awesome zone meeting! Like I said before the zone leaders are awesome and so is my companion! It was great just to learn and progress!!! Then we taught Brandy! Side note: The funny thing about coming to a new area is that you get told about everyone that you teach and everyone in the branch but you forget about all of them. This happened with Brandy.  Brandy, just has a crazy backstory, so that was cool. The thing that makes it weird is that we are only teaching Brandy because we are girls. We are the only Sisters in Fairfield. There are two other sets of sisters, but they are both in Rio Vista! S,o we are teaching Brandy and she is awesome. She has a Mormon family outside of her original family.  She knows a lot about the Church and is so ready.  We will see what happens!
On Saturday we had a slower day but the best part of it all was meeting Martha. She us a recent convert and she is awesome and funny. I already love her and I am so excited to get to know her even more!
On Sunday it was great to get an extra hour of sleep and this morning it was so nice to have so much light while we went on our morning walk! It was great to meet the Branch.  They have so much potential and I am excited to be part of the trail to reaching it!
So now long story short, which it isn't really that short, Fairfield is awesome! I am in love with it already! I will be excited to tell more and more of my adventures here in Fairfield doing the work of salvation!
Love ya,
Hermana Cornwall

Famalia Rodas

Sister Cornwall's new room

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