Monday, October 21, 2013

21 October 2013


This week I reached my 5 month mark! I can not believe the time has flown by so fast! Now I am in the last week of the transfer and I just cannot believe it! Time has just flown by, but I guess that is just what happens when you try to focus on others and not focused on yourself!
So my week! Monday we had an awesome dinner with Familia Bibriesca! They are a less active family and when we first started dinner it was just the couple but by the end all of their kids trickled in and we were able to teach a lesson with all of the them. It was awesome and it is fun to see their faith begin to grow again! Then we picked up a new investigator, someone that we had contacted before. Her name is Monica and we are excited to see what happens. Seeing people at the basic stages it is fun to imagine their potential. Her prayer at the end was so simple and sweet it was wonderful. 
Tuesday we had a lesson with Yolanda - our home bound less active! We committed her to start reading the Book of Mormon.  We will see how it goes! We had a lesson with familia Rubio, but only the daughter had time to talk.  It was nice to just have some one-on-one time with her! The Branch President's son was there.  He is so awesome and is going to be an awesome missionary! We had her commit to read the Book of Mormon also and focus on faith! 
Wednesday, we taught Hilda! She is struggling in seeing the importance of the Book of Mormon and going to church, but still is awesome! She is the one that lives in between the fields. It is a hard because she is just stuck out there all of the time.  We hope that she will read the Book of Mormon and learn to trust it! We were at the Church building in Woodland doing language study and whenever we are at church buildings they always ask us to put a sign up so people know they can come in! You don't know if this guy saw the sign but he was on his route for selling directv and was having a bad day so he asked to come in. We gave him a quick tour and then just let him sit in the chapel. I think it really helped him and we will see what comes of it one day. We continued to put up fliers! We are having a fireside in Davis about family history and eternal families so we are really trying to advertise it. It is this Sunday so we will see what happens! 
Thursday we had dinner at the Rodas house and had a good chat with her about life and where things are going. She is trying to finalize her divorce so she can get married so her husband can get baptized.  We will see! We visited a potential investigator who let us in and we gave a house blessing and have an appoint for next week! Then we met Maria Lira. She is an investigator from Winters, an area in our zone, and we just went over to meet her. We had a good long talk about her life and about any questions she had so far in her teaching. She has a lot of potential if she actual does a few things.  We are excited to help her out to do them! She invited us to dinner this week and she is so friendly and welcoming so we will see what comes of it! Then we taught the Adas who makes papusas. She is worrying about her own progress, so we are really trying to help her to progress. It was a great day though!! 
Friday was an awesome surprise miracle day! First we walked a random way to a semi-appointment we had and of course ran into this woman sitting in a car with some guys working on a car and so we talked to her. She seemed to have a hard life so it was kind of fun to help her out. She is from Russia and translates for the guys working on the cars for the customers. Then the man, on whose car they were working, came out and talked with us too. They were both interested in learning more from what we said, so we are very excited. The guy said he usually shuts the door on us so we were glad to make an affect! We ran into a former investigator Agustine who we had talked to before. He had tons of questions and things so we just got into an awesome conversation about everything. His wife had asked him to go get dinner, but he just continued to talk to us. She left in a huff to go get food and then we met a few of his cousins and talked and said a prayer! When we were walking away the wife came back and passed us.  Buy then when we had walked a ways she backed up her car seemingly to run us over, so I pulled Hermana Brighton out of the way.  Nothing happened, but we are a little nervous to go back.  I will let you know! While we were leaving a latin man told us a lot of things that I didn't really understand.  We tried to share a little something but he just kind of left.  It all worked out and was a great night! 
Saturday we had Youth Conference! The two girls that went out with me were a little shy but it was good. We taught a lesson with Brenda which was fun but it was a little weird to have to teach a lesson all by myself.  I am glad we have companions. When we were walking we had another guy ask me to question my testimony.  That is ok, because I am strong in my testimony. Those people always seem so nice but are in the end unpleasant to be around. We taught Betty! She was great. We started reading the Book of Mormon with her and she knows how to get the answer.  She just actually has to ask in order to know! We hope we can see her again soon! 
Sunday was the primary program. The branch and the ward combined their efforts and we had a Spanish/Enlgish program! The best part about it all was that we had 3 investigators there. It was awesome! I was so excited! It was Hilda, Ada, and Antonio (a new investigator Hermana Brighton taught over youth conference). It was a little crazy to get kids to the right rooms and investigators to the right classes, but it all worked out! We taught Gospel Principles and it was perfect to really focus on our investigators and their needs! I had my possible last dinner at the home of Presidente Perez. They have been one of my homes away from home and I am grateful to have grown under their love and help! We taught another Elizabeth! We had planned to go last Sunday but they weren't there so we went this Sunday.  She was home and was just dying to learn more! We are going to teach them tonight so I am so excited.
Oh the work is great and constantly moving forward. It changes us and blesses us and has eternal significance! I am glad to be able to dedicate my time in order to touch others! I love all of you and your support for me! Have a great week and I will be excited to tell you more next week!

Love ya,

Hermana Cornwall

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