Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Friday, May 17. 2013

Hermana Vance & Hermana Cornwall
Dear Family,
Hello from the MTC! Wow it has just been wonderful! Everything has been so great! 
So, now I will tell you everything I have done in the past few days. The first I did was to get wisked away by another missionary and taken to go get my missionary tag, key and all the little things that I would need. They definitely have the system down of how to get everyone's stuff out in an efficient manner. It was amazing how I instantly forgot all the sadness I had been feeling all day and that I just jumped in with both feet.Then we went ot drop off my stuff in my room. I was the first one there, besides two sisters who were already living in my room, and so then we went to go pick my big bag of materials. It has all the books and papers I need to be an effective missionary in Spanish. 
I then went to my classroom and met my teacher. His name is Hermono Ferguson. He served his mission in Uraguay and he is amazing. He spoke in Spanish right off. When I say spoke in Spanish I mean everything so we have been truly immersed. The first day of class was so great. Spanish slowly started coming back and it was just empowering. The one thing I really loved was our phrase SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE. It means to, as much as possible, speak in your assigned language. I am really excited to do it. It has definitely been the best part. The language is awesome, I love it. 
By the time we finished class my companion still had not come so I joined with the other sisters. To describe my district - there are four hermanas, all going to Santa Rosa and four elders all going to different places. Two are going to San Bernardino, one to the Tallahassee Florida! (Jeff- if you have any tips let me know) and the other I can't remember. Than we went to a meeting with MTC mission presidency and they gave great council and it was very fun to be in a room of brand new missionaries all on our first day. Then we had dinner which was very fun and then we just had personal time. All of us sisters decided to make our beds and unpack. By the way, I did not need my sheets yet either. Then low and behold my companion walked in. Her name is Hermana Vance. She is so wonderful and kind and truly is a strength to me all ready. She is from Alberta, Canada and is 20 years old. By the way, I think I am the oldest sister in my zone so far, but it honestly doesn't feel like it. 
My companion is great and I am really excited to get to know her even more. After our free time we had the Wednesday experiences of possible investigator situations that we could be put in. I was grateful for the opportunity to gauge how I would react because it gave me confidence that I am on the right track with how I teach others. 
Then we came back and tried to unpack. We met the other two sisters in our room - one is named Sister Singh and she is from New Zealand. They leave next week but it is still fun to get to know them. Then we met our zone leaders and they leave next week as well but they were really kind and helpful. All of my zone speaks Spanish so it is so nice to be able to ask them questions. The funny thing is that they seem so much older even though they aren't. There is something about your experience at the MTC that really makes you seem experienced. 
Then yesterday [Thursday], our first full day was great. We had some study time and then a workshop on people and your purpose. It was really nice to focus on the investigator, if that it is the one thing I have learned it is that the investigator is key to it all. Hermana Vance and I are really well matched and are pretty similar in wants and needs.  It is all working out really well. Then we had gym time and then we had more class. I love class because I just love my district and teacher. I get excited in class rather than discouraged. At times it is very hard to understand but then it all works out in the end. 
Then they told us that we would need to teach a lesson in Spanish today, Friday, to Tito, an investigator. All of us got very nervous and it is a lot of pressure but Hermana Vance and I have faith in our abilities and understand our weaknesses. Then, we met our Branch President and his counselors and they all seem really kind and generous and I am thankful to have such leaders. 
My companion and I are committed and determined to speak our language as much as possible. We are doing pretty good and I am glad for the experience. The more I speak it the better it gets. Then today was obviously my p-day. The first thing we did was go to the temple as a zone. I really enjoy being with them and we did an endowment session and it was nice to be able to just be peaceful in the temple. For fun afterwards we went and ate in the temple cafeteria and it was just fun to be with all the Hermanas. We took a zone picture but it is on my companion's camera so I will get it to you another day. 
Then my companion and I prepared for our lesson with Tito tonight. We are really trying to focus on the spirit of the lesson rather than the Spanish, but I am trying to do a little of both. In the temple today Spanish really flowed freely through my thoughts and it gave me confidence in my abilities. I am one of the few in my class who actually have experience so I really try to use that to my advantage. 
I must say, overall it has been a very enjoyable experience. The Lord truly blesses those that try to serve him. It is hard but it is wonderful. I am so grateful for the spirit's influence in my life and the blessing it is to have him constantly around me. I am filled with the spirit and ready to serve in anyway I can. I love you all so much and I hope that everything is going well in your families. My time is running out, but I love you all so much. The Church is true and I am thankful we all get to enjoy it's blessings together. I have faith that this is the place I am supposed to be and I am glad that I am actually doing it. I hope I get better at writing letters, but I will write a few by hand this week. Also I hope I answered all of your questions from 'Dear Elder' and thank you for all of the letters!
- Hermano Cornwall 
P.S. The transition has been great, it has been pretty natural and easy to conform to the missionary schedule so far but I am still it will have its ups and downs.
P.S. To Mom:   Mom: I love the MTC, it doesn't even feel like I am in Provo. I love, love, love, Hermano Ferguson.  He is so awesome and I have learned so much already. I am so excited to have him for 6 weeks...  The food is good. . Spanish is going amazing. I learn so much everyday. Until next time!

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Sister Cornwall's District  Hermanas - Whitely, Lemmon, Vance, Cornwall

Hermana Vance with Hermana Cornwall
Hermana Lemmon

Hermana Whitely

Hermana Cornwall's District

Hermana Cornwall with "a boy I know who teaches at the MTC"

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