Mom, Dad and Sarah drove from Dixon to Sacramento early Friday
morning. The "Sacramento" temple is actually in a community on the
other side, east of Sacramento. The setting is one of the most serene
and expansive of any such placement anywhere. The interior is
exceptional, done in silvery cool blues and deep cherry wood. Following a
session the group sat and completed Sarah's most recent reading of the
Book Of Mormon, (quite literally in the shadow of Moroni's trump),
Moroni Chapter 10,
"I would exhort you... that you should remember how merciful the Lord has been unto the children of men... and...
lay hold upon every good gift."
west from the temple went right through downtown Sacramento and
prompted a stop at the state capitol building. The evening was spent
visiting some fine families in the little town of Esparto, part of the
Winter's ward. (Sorry we didn't take any photo's we were so busy having
so much fun.)
The tile reminded us of the fireplace surround at 336. |
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