I am headed our of Winters! My time here is up,
but I have had a very good time of growth and development and I am
excited to move forward. So, I am opening a new area in Willits! [All about Wilits in next week's post.] My new
companion will be Hermana Hooton and this is her last transfer, I am
also the STL! So I am looking forward for what the future now brings!
After all this time, there isn't really a fear of the work being hard,
but I am interested to see what it will feel like to start with nothing
and build my way up. When Sister Alba told me on the phone she said, the Lord needs you in Willits, so go make a group of hispanic members and
then make it a Branch. It sounds like I have a lot of finding and
baptizing to do!
The Zone |
Tuesday we had our last meeting as a zone!
We talked more about the house blessings, because President Alba asked
the President from Riverside and he said the reason was because of the
house blessing and they were doing it a little different then we were so
we are changing it up a little bit. The big change is that we use more
specific words to start the blessing, so it is different then an average
prayer and we make sure to schedule an appointment soon after in order
to get the fire of the spirit going! Me and Hermana Vance have been
trying it and it has gone really well! Then in the evening we met with
Maria, our young recent convert who is awesome! We usually just talk to
her mother when we are there, but we just had a one on one with her! It
was good!
Thursday we had a house blessing with this
brother and sister. It felt nice to be able to bless them with those
things that they need as set apart servant of Jesus Christ! It just it
that opportunity to bless them with those things they need from Heavenly
Saturday we had a great day. We went to a blitz
in Woodland. It was so hot and no one was outside, but it was fun! In the evening we taught Sonia, our new investigator, the Restoration! It
went really well! Then the big miracle was that at the end her husband
came home and so we got to meet him. He was very kind and we actually
had him say the closing prayer. It was really wonderful! Then we had
another house blessing for this house of men, because one of their house
mates passed away last week. It was great just to bless them and
pray for their needs!
So there will be lots of new beginnings this week
and I will be sooooooooo excited to tell you ALL about them next week!
Until then, I love you! I hope you are all doing well! I hope that you
remember Christ this week!
Les Quiero,
Hermana Cornwall
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