So this week was an amazing week, for a lot of the missionaries in the
Santa Rosa mission. There was nothing huge, but we felt it. As some may know
we fasted for rain this last Fast Sunday and boy, did it come this week. It has
been raining almost non-stop since Wednesday. Luckily it isn't that bad of rain
but it has been exciting. We have all felt the power of prayer! Then also Hermana Underwood and I had our prayers answered again with our work with Less-actives this week! So let me tell you about it!
Monday we
taught a lesson to Hermano Flores, a member in our ward. For some unknown reason
he has decided to attend an English ward. We, not knowing that, and having not
seen him at church for a few weeks stopped by to say hello. He was so happy to receive a visit from us and he informed us that he was going to church and so we
just left them with a spiritual thought and it was just nice to give people some
of that TLC that we all need.
On Tuesday we had our meetings and
things. It was my first time teaching. I wasn't really nervous but I think I was
a little apprehensive that I was really helping other missionaries understand how
to become better missionaries. I
talked about the Book of Mormon being a cornerstone of what we teach others. I
loved just interacting with them and combining it all together to make sense. It
was a little weird to feel so apprehensive after so many years of theatre but I
am sure I will get used to all a soon. In the evening we actually had a
successful English class. People are actually showing up! It was great! 2 of
them even came to our ward party this week! They are like members already! The
purpose of our class is to find investigators so we have been trying and we
found a few.
Wednesday we tried to visit a less active and she
didn't answer, so we left her a talk, an idea of Hermana Underwood's. Then we had
a crazy almost 2 hour dinner. We are so grateful for the people that feed us, but
sometimes it can get a little crazy. So here is a my little speal for all of you.
Missionaries technically only have an hour for dinner. If dinner takes longer
then an hour it takes up time so our plans and lessons get all messed up. My
plea from a humble missionary is that no matter what it is please be
conscientious of time! I know all of you don't have any problems with that, but
that is my little speech that I can never make to the members I eat with! Also
this was our first rainy day! Which is fun! Both Hermana Underwood and I love
the rain so it was good.
Thursday was our miracle day! The
night before, after we planned for our day, Hermana Underwood prayed that all of
the lessons we had planned would happen. As missionaries we plan to visit people
a lot of the time, but a lot of them don't happen. We prayed for
it and hoped for it. We had 6 lessons planned. The first was with Santa O. She
is a recent convert and going strong. She has been to the temple once to do
baptisms for the dead and so we wanted to help her start to find her own names
and take them to the temple. We talked to her about temples and family
history. Then we had a lesson with Graciela a kind of inactive. She is the only
member of the church in her family. We have never met her husband. It has
all just been really hard on her. SO to our surprise who should answer the door,
but her Husband! We talked for a minute as we waited for her to come out and he
said it was raining so he didn't have work. She didn't have much time, and
neither did we, but we shared a video about the Book of Mormon, by Elder Jeffrey
R. Holland and her husband pretended to watch the soccer game, without sound. He really watched our video and he was honestly curious about it all. We definitely planted a seed that I hope will help him on his path! We went to
our appointment with Jose Cospin. He works most Sundays, but we had a powerful
lesson on what really matters most in life. He tries, but I hope we also started
the path of him being more dedicated to come to church every Sunday! Then we
taught a less-active from the English ward that we had found accidentally. They
were offended, but we hope that their heart can also be softened and they can receive the comfort and peace they need from the restored gospel of Jesus
Then on Friday we had a ward party for Valentines day! It was fun. They had a little dance after and that was fun also. It was a great time for the branch to really just bond together! Also one of our former investigators texted us and said that she wanted to start meeting with us again after she talked to her dentist, who just happens to be the stake president! We are excited to see her again!
On Saturday
we also had a wonderful day with some great miracles. First in the pouring rain
we visited some less-actives I had never met before. They live in a small home
clumped with many other small homes off of a vineyard. They were home and we
were able to share a short message and set up an appointment for next week! We
are very excited to be able to help them come back, paso por paso! Then later in
the evening we Heart Attacked some people, those that had helped with the party,
the stake president and some Elders that need some cheering up! Then we went to
see another Less-active I had never met before. Her name is Janeth. At first she
was a little apprehensive and her husband said that she had been crying because
a few days earlier she had found out that her sister in Nicaragua has cancer.
She was really down. We shared a video about hope and what it meant to her
and she seemed very interested in talking to us more by the end. Her husband
doesn't speak much Spanish so i think she also liked the opportunity to speak in
her native tongue. Then we also taught Martha, recent convert, about not being judgmental which was just perfect timing to help her become better! It was a
wonderful day, and we were so happy to have helped so many!
Sunday after dinner we taught a lesson on family history to another Less-active
family. It was good to just help them. They have a long road to go but it was
wonderful to bring the spirit into their home. All in all we had 10 lessons with
less-actives or recent converts! It was such a great week! We felt the love of
all of those we can help in this work of salvation and just so you all know,
miracles have not ceased. There are still in effect today. All we need is
faith to act on whatever the Lord tells us and a humble prayer and those things
that help us to take one step closer to our Heavenly Father will happen and will
one day help us to reach exaltation!
una buena semana!
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Turkeys in Sister Cornwall's front yard. |
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Sister Underwood - current companion |
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