Monday, September 2, 2013

02 Sept. 2013

So another week has passed with the ups and downs of missionary work always aparent. I love the work but it always seems like after success somes the tough times. The funny thing about following the path that the Lord has in store for you doesn't mean that it is always going to be easy or better feeling.  I know that it will be the ultimately rewarding thing. The best part is when we choose the side of the Lord we always win and we always feel the relief of what we have accomplished.
After writing last Monday we had a wonderfully open lesson with Ada, the one that makes papusas, (we have two adas, so this is how I will diferentiate). She told us that she has not been coming to church because she feels uncomfortable because she is not married. We had a nice chat and set the goal to get her married by December. It was kind of a bummer, but we have hope. We had a good lesson with Roberto finishing the Restoration. It was a lot more open and happy and he seemed to be excited for his baptism.
On Tuesday we had our zone meeting to train on using facebook and things. (we talked a lot about how to input our online area book. It was so different to just be watching videos typing notes and doing stuff all with technology. All of us had headaches afterwards, but I think we have all gotten use to it by now.) Then we had a rougher day with 5 scheduled appointments for lessons and every single one of them fell through. That is just how it is some times. 
On Wednesday our one great thing was a lesson with Yolando our less active. She is wonderful and kind but is having some word of wisdom problems.  We are trying to get those all shaped up and then we can get her to be worthy to take the sacrament. Oh this work is so interesting there are so many different ways to invite people to come unto Christ/  There is always a lot of resistenct. I am thankful for all of your prayers to further the work! 
Thursday brought many good things as each day does.  I don't think I said this last week, but our mission president called technology specialist missionaries who have their own area but also help us to further the work online. They really know their stuff and they gave us a lot of awesome ideas of how to get investigators on facebook. I am so excitied to learn more from them. We had an early dinner with the Rodas family and then we had a awesome spiritual thought about keeping the Sabbath day holy.  Sister Rodas seemed to really get it. Then we had a lesson with Roberto again. He is getting so prepared and ready I love it! The problem is that he works on Sundays.. We are just trying to get that worked out! We taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ and it really made sense for him. Then we had weekly planning! 
Friday we finished our planning and then went to have our interview with President Alba. We have them everyother transfer so this was my first one. It was very quick and to the point. I didn't say too much. The funny thing was he started it in Spanish and then asked if I wanted to do it in Spanish.   I said no but from what I hear you do the rest in Spanish. Now I am a little worried. Luckily I have 12 weeks to bump up my Spanish. Sister Alba gave us special training on improving our skills as a missionary when we have studies in order to be more effective when we go out and teach. Then we had a miracle lesson. We contacted this nice woman in one of the complexes we frequent.  She was very nice.  We tried and tried after that and she was never there or never answered the door. We trued on Friday night and it opened and we taught the plan of salvation. It was AWESOME! We hope to have more lessons with her in the future. 
Saturday we had a lesson with Brenda about lesson one. She is a new investigator and a high school student. Her family has been to many other churches and all she wants is for all of them to be combined. It was a great lesson and we are very excited for more! Then we had a blitz in Dixon. I was put with Hermana Harris one of the brand new missioanries in opur zone. We had this awesome contact named Juana. I did the whole thing by myself in Spanish and it was awesome. I felt so good about cluing her into the spirit and asking her if she wanted more of that feeling. I set up a return appointment this week.  I am exctied to hear what happens. We had a lesson with the other Ada on the word of wisdom. I was a little nervous because it was the first time I had taught it and it was in Spanish.  She accepted it and said that she would change and it was awesome!. In the evening we shared a mormon message with the Rodas family> Their 8 year old son really seemed to get it. It was on the Book of Mormon and we are just excited for their potential! 
On Sunday we had a crazy day because we were trying to get Roberto to church in Davis. We went to our meeting in Woodland, left a little early and picked up Roberto to go to the last 2 hours of the single ward in Davis. It all worked out and everyone was so nice to him. We hope his schedule changes so he can go to all 3 hours but we know the Lord will help it happen. We just have to make him believe that. We went on facebook to be able to contact people. We are starting to go on facebook everyday, so it is really exciting to really get to use it effectively.
Oh the work is good. Some people are nice and we continue to invite others to come unto Christ. I am so grateful for my own coming unto Christ. At times people sometimes think that you go on a mission to change others to help them, but in the end to have true success and joy you yourself are changed for the better to be more of a disciple of Christ. I still have a long way to go but I know that it will set me on the path that our Heavenly Father has for me! Keep doing the work. The members are essential, we can't do it without you! ALso if you have any facebook referals send them on over because I want them! I am eager to have success with those people who need the gospel online!
Hermana Cornwall

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