So this week was a great and crazy one as always. I am sure all
are dying to know about transfer information and you will never guess
what happened. So I am staying in Winters! I am so excited because
people here are great! My new companion is Hermana Vance, my
MTC companion! I am so very, very excited! Hermana Lemmon, my
buddy from the MTC is serving in Davis! So we will all be reunited and I
so excited for the next transfer. Hermana Vance is an STL. It is
just going to be a great six weeks. The crazy part about the week was
that I find out I probably have a pinched nerve in my back. It is
the weirdest thing because it happens when I move my neck and I just
get this vibration at my tail bone. It doesn't hurt at all, which is
nice, but I can tell my back is weak We will see what happens! Any
way, there is all of my exciting news and now here is my week!
Monday evening we picked up a new investigator. Her name is Sandra. She has a
young son and is living with her boyfriend. We just shared a short lesson
about families and how they are supported in the
gospel. Something that often
confuses people is he lifestyle of a missionary compared to a member. So we
clarified a few of those things, like the rules that we have now are only for
us as missionaries. She was happy to hear that she can get married and have a
regular life and everything like that. She truly seems interested in
learning. We will see how it goes! Then we helped one of the young women with
a science project.
On Tuesday we had our last district meeting.. Then one of our plans fell through so we went to go see
Sister Perkins. She is a 93 year old woman in the ward. Her husband passed
away last year. We just visit to give her love and support. It was a sweet
visit. We talked about mothers and she had, had a mother that wasn't very
supportive and it was kind of sad story. We hoped that we helped her that
day and got to keep her company. In the evening we taught Valente and
Yenn. They are former investigators. They know a little but every time
we see them we realize how much they don't understand. They have
interest because they know it is good, but past that it is kind of struggle. They are interesting investigators.
Wednesday we went to
the Maynard's house. (The ones in the picture) because Sister. Maynard was
hospitalized for something with her pancreas just a few days before. We went
over to go do service.
Her kids are home schooled, so they were there too. She
just had us clean the house. All those little deep cleaning projects that
you wouldn't do otherwise. We were there for 4 hours and it was so
much fun. There kids are just amazing and so it was fun to serve with
them. We went and taught Leighangela, a returning member. She has had
a lot of struggles in her life. We just taught a short lesson
on missionary work. It was good especially with her new calling as a
ward missionary. Then we taught Estela. She is the older woman we teach.
We had to drop her daughter because she just didn't have time for us.
She also has a lot of memory problems. Like she didn't remember how
to pray even though we have taught her multiple times and things
like that. I don't know what to do with that one. We had an
amazing night. We met with one of our new referrals named Yassir. We met
in the park because his brother isn't happy about him meeting with us.
We think he is in his 30s. We had a 2 hour lesson with him. It
was great. We taught the Restoration. He had a ton of
questions throughout the whole process. It was interesting, but great! We
are excited to see what happens next!
Then on Thursday we finally saw
Cindy! She is that less active who has been less active most of her life. She
got a new job. That is why she was never home when we went by. She was so
happy to see us and we were so happy that she wasn't avoiding us! We shared a
short message and it was just great! We hoped to see her on Sunday, but she
wasn't home.
Friday we had a little bit of an anxious day.
Trying to plan and things like that. We survived. We got the information
about transfers very late. It turned out great!and the beauty
is everything is the way it is meant to be!
Saturday was another good
day. We started right off doing service for the Tippets. Sister Tippets works
at a cemetery, so for Memorial Day they put flags on the graves. She asked us
to help and so we did. It
was fun to just be her little helper and get it
all done. As odd as it sounds, it was kind of peaceful to be there with
knowing that there is a plan and purpose to it all. We just did some
good old finding in the afternoon. We taught one lesson to a
former investigator, but we don't think we will really be able to teach
her. We found 21 new people, well at least people we talked to. It
was great! In the evening we went to a mission call opening. my companion and I said a few words and there were some non-members
there. The girl got her call to Atlanta Georgia North Mission
speaking English. We are very excited for her. It is so weird to be on
the other side of it all. It is very fun to support her. The neighbors of the members, who aren't members, came. We had a
good discussion with her. She wanted to know everything about us. She
is English speaking but we are still excited for her! I will keep
you updated with them.
Sunday was a good day with lots of picture
taking from my companion. It was nice. We have amazing members and they
love Hermana Santiago. I know they will love Hermana Vance too! It was a
pretty boring Sunday, on the side of missionary work. We visited with
some members and that was really fun!
Anyway - the past 3 months have
been super hard, but I wouldn't change the trials and struggles I had for any
others because of my ability to become what the Lord wanted me to be. I am so
grateful now that I get to continue to learn and work my hardest these last
few transfers. I know it is going to go by very fast. I am excited to just
work so I leave nothing behind. I am grateful for all of your love and
support. You all helped me so much. I am so grateful for the love and
the prayers. Well, have a great week! I am excited to update you with
all the changes next week!
Hermana Cornwall

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
19 May 2013
Hermana Cornwall and her companion Sister Santiago |
Though time sometimes seems very slow - it is really flying. I just
celebrated a year of being in the field and it is the last week of another
transfer (with only 4 left after that). I can't believe it. I am understanding a
little bit more what everyone else has been talking about.
So on Monday I went to a new part of our area, well new to me. It is a
teeny little town called Dunnegan. It is so far away that we rarely go. One
of the members there offered to feed us, so we went! It is a small place. It
was fun to spend time with this single sister. We did a little service for her
and just helped out. Then one of the other single sisters that lives there came. It was just a nice little gathering.
Tuesday we taught one of the less-actives named Amanda. It seems
that she hasn't been active most of her life. When she has time, she seems to
appreciate our short little messages. She has kids running all over the place. I think she knows it is good. She just doesn't know how to get there yet. We
showed her the mother video and she really liked it. I must say, some homes that
we go into I am just grateful for the home I grew up in and that they still
support me even now.
On Wednesday was our first really hot day, like it was REALLY HOT. I didn't
feel unmotivated, just really, really slow. We did teach Estela in the
afternoon. We aren't really teaching her daughter Lupe, but we taught her. It
was nice to be indoors and really just help out their family rather than just
teach her. Then in the evening we built a fence. I don't remember if I said, but
a new program we are using is 10 hours of service a week. So the week before we
offered service to this man building his fence and we said we would come back
the next week and help him, so we did. It was a really good experience. It was a
little awkward because his wife was in Mexico so it was just him and these 2
girls but I think we were actually a little helpful and it just felt good to
help. I must say I have gotten to be a little bit more handy with all this
service I am doing!
Thursday was also meant to be Hot, but we went to the temple! Oh
the cherished temple day was just as good as ever. We spent the night in
Woodland so we didn't have to wake up too early and it was fun to have
additional sisters around and we woke up bright and early to go to the temple.
It was lovely just to be in the temple. We were running a little late so there
was the question of "Are we going to make the session?" but we got there with
plenty of time, We just enjoyed the peace of the temple. It was great! I
remember one of the Elders in my zone in the MTC that was going to a mission in Mexico talked about how he might not go to the temple for 2 years. Now that I
think of it I am so grateful to go to the temple every 3 months. It is just
always recharging and joyous. There is no better place to be.
On Friday we taught Yenn a Valente.They are former investigators. We
don't know much about them They often let us in. We can't tell how much
potential they have. We watched a video called Having Children in Faith and
it seemed to touch them a little. So, we are making baby steps. They have this
little girl that is super funny, but not on purpose. She is kind of lot to
handle in the lessons. It is a good challenge.
Saturday we had an interesting day, because I kind of said
something that was true and that my companion needed to hear, but she kind of
took it badly. We had a good talk afterward, but it is just hard to know what to
do sometimes. At times I just laugh because I think that is the best way to take
most of it. Then we had a lesson with a less active named Jose. He has really
changed his life around. He is taking medical marijuana for not a very good
reason. We think that is holding him back a little bit. He also works on Sundays. He talked about wanting to share his testimony and things. He has
good thoughts. It is just making sure that leads to good actions.
Sunday was a great day. First I spoke in Sacrament Mtg. on receiving the
Spirit. When the Bishop first asked me, I asked if he meant like confirmations
and things but it was about receiving the Spirit after you have received the
gift of the Holy Ghost. I really liked taking it from that angle. I thought of 2
things we need to do to receive the Holy Ghost on a regular basis. The first is
to be worthy, and everything that entails. The second is to know how to
receive an answer. I ended it by talking about how receiving the Spirit is part
of our path to endure to the end and how the promise of it all is eternal life.
I really like giving a talk, especially in English! We had a really
successful day with 2 of our less-actives - Kimberley and Silvia. Silvia said
that she is not ready to do family history and to go into the temple and things.
I felt sad that she didn't feel ready to do that but I hope she will feel ready
someday soon. Then with Kimberley we were able to teach a little about service
and for her to take a good load off on us! It was good to be in contact with
them and give them some spiritual strength.
It was a consistent week. Nothing too exciting --- oh wait! I just
remembered, this was a little exciting. When we went to the temple we got a
referral via text. We decided to just go and contact it right away. It was on
this ranch kind-of in the middle of nowhere. We went to go knock on the door
and a man came out. He said that Jassir, our referral, lived in the apartments
off of the shop. We went over there and we actually found him. He seemed to be
a little shocked that we were there. We shared a little about why we were there He honestly seemed interested to learn about our church and to learn the
truth. It was great and we are excited to see him again soon.
So, like I was saying it was a good week, with a lot of learning and growth
like always and with a good personal resolve to just be happy, because that is
what it is all about! I am so grateful for all of your love and support. You all
are so wonderful to me!
Les quiero muchisimo,
Hermana Cornwall
Hermanas Bilat, Cornwall & Whitney, who all want to the MTC together May 15, 2013 |
Hermanas Santigo, Holguin & Cornwall |
Sisters Cornwall & Vandeneit |
Hermanas Anderson, Whitney, Billat & Cornwall |
Monday, May 12, 2014
12 May 2014
This week was a fun one with birthdays and Mother's Day and everything in
between. I was so grateful for the opportunity I had to see my lovely family
yesterday and it is nice to know everyone is doing well! This week will mark the
year mark of being on a mission. It has gone by soooooo fast! The other end of
the spectrum is that I only have 6 months left which is also crazy to me. Dallin
said yesterday that I have done 2/3 so far and I will add with only 1/3 to go.
Missions are not how I thought they would be. Every turn surprises me in some
amazing way and I just can never seem to wrap my head around what it going on
right in that moment because it is always changing. It is this process of always
being better. Even though it is hard I would rather be better than worse,
and I would rather become what the Lord wants me to be than anything
Last Monday we had an FHE with some of the members in our ward. The ward
mission leader lives in Esparto so every 1st Monday he hosts a FHE for the
investigators and members in that area. They assigned us to teach the lesson. We talked about coming unto Christ. None of our investigators were able to make
it, but it was fun to teach the members that were there. WE had everyone write a
few things that would make them come unto Christ or to fall away. We
made a little pathway to Christ where they would either fall back on a bad step
or move forward on a good one. It was a fun little activity with some wonderful
members of the ward!
Tuesday we had zone meeting. That is always good to receive the help
and counsel we need. I think the big message was that we are all struggling and
we all have challenges, but we can't allow those challenges to hold us back from
working hard. It is that service of the Lord that truly helps. It is
funny that they said that because a few days earlier I had that same thought. It was a perfect confirmation to what I needed to do, which is to work!
Hermana Santiago had to get a blood test for her new medication so we took a
little trip to Vacaville to get that done. We had this amazing contact. We
were knocking doors, a normal thing to do, and a girl named Sandra answered.
usually we give a spiel like "hi, how are you doing? we are servants of Jesus
Christ. Do you have Faith in Jesus Christ?" A little route, but it usually gets
right to the point. One thing I try to do, but is hard is to change that up as
often as possible and to listen to what the Spirit is telling me that they need. We talked about eternal families and if she wanted one and she said yes. We
set up an appointment to come back and talk about the plan of salvation. It is
just amazing how just taking that moment to pause and wait to hear what the
spirit is telling you to do really makes a difference.
Wednesday we had another amazing moment when we taught Urith. I
think I mentioned her last week. Sshe is a less-active, that after almost 10
weeks, I had never met. We stopped by on Sunday and she said to come back on
Wednesday. We did and we brought Sister Baker, her visiting teaching
companion and it was awesome. She was so excited to start doing visiting
teaching. She is unable to come to church right now because of her non-member
husband, but she still wants to help in some way. She asked if it was ok for her
to do visiting teaching even if she wasn't coming to church and Sister Baker
said that all she needed was a testimony and she said that she did have that! It
was amazing to see such strength and endurance even without the constant
nurturing that most of us normally have. Though church is very important we were
happy to see her firm in the faith!
On Thursday I had my first official, what I would call, door slam in
the face. I have had the door closed before on me, of course, but this was the
first time that someone opened the door saw us and closed it without us getting
one word in. You would think that those would hurt more but they are the easiest
ones to just laugh at and move on. I hope one day she will be open to the
message of the gospel, but for right now she was not!
Friday was my BIRTHDAY! It was a very different birthday too. No one
really knew about it or did anything, at least in person, but it was a great
day. I opened my presents and felt so happy and loved from everyone back home
. 3 things in my gifts that I was debating what to do with was a cake mix,
frosting and a birthday banner. I knew no one was going to do it for me, so I got
up and made my cake and put up my banner and made my birthday as great as
possible. As service for our ward mission leader we cleaned the building
and he brought pizza. We had cake and pizza. Sadly, it ended with a 2
1/2 hour comp inventory, necessary, but still sad and hard. It all turned
out ok, with just enough resolve to keep us both content. Thank you so much for
all of the love from home! It was great! The members we lived with told me on Sunday that if they had known that it was my birthday they would have done
something for me. I wouldn't have it any other way! The best part is
that it is done and over now. It was all good!
Saturday we had a little success on facebook. I remember when i was
first on facebook and everyone would talk about how that we get all of these
random friend requests and teach awesome lessons and baptize people. I
couldn't see the vision. Now slowly that is happening for me on my facebook (no
baptisms yet). It is good to see that everything everyone has said wasn't a
lie and that I can have success too. It is a slow process but it is a great way
to reach out to people! Then we taught Lupe and Estela! So in the Hispanic
culture they celebrate Mother's Day the 10th of every May rather than the 2nd
Sunday. We got to wish them all a happy Mothers Day and share a message about
eternal families and that we have hope now for the eternities even in our
struggles. It is funny how even when i am learning so much more about what life
is about and how to feel peace even in struggle how it gives me more moral
authority to promise them that there is peace, that there is help, and hope. It
was a nice feeling to tell them that I know life is hard but that it is all
worth it!
On Sunday we had our lovely Mother's Day! The Bishop spoke and talked
about how we make bad days good ones, and I was so grateful for that talk! Then
of course, I got to talk to my lovely family, as mentioned before. I started
my 6 month count down! (not actually - dad, don't worry) I am so grateful for the
time I have served and for the time I still have yet to serve. The one thing I
have learned is that the Lord has a plan for me. Everywhere I am and all
that I do is with a purpose. It is all meant to be. I am understanding more
and more the purpose that Our Loving Heavenly Father has for me. He has
to stretch me in order to accomplish what he needs, I am grateful for the
abilities I will have after because of how much Ii have grown and stretched. It
is all worth the sacrifice because it helps us to know more of the joy that
comes when we don't have to sacrifice anymore! I love you all so much. Thank you
for being my help and support. I definitely feel your strength and love. Hope
you have a wonderful week!
les quiero,
Hermana Cornwall
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
05 May 2014
So this week was one of personal change in order to face the lack of change
from my circumstances and for the first time in a long time I am ending this
week happier then when I started it! I couldn't' really describe to what caused
the change or how I did it but I know it is through Jesus Christ.
Last Monday ended well. We visited a less-active in Esparto as the last
try when all of our plans were falling through and she actually let us in and
let us share a short message with her. We talked about church and whether she
would come and it seems that we planted a seed for her to have more interest in
one day coming back to church. I don't know when that will be, but it was
wonderful to have the opportunity to help her personal plant grow. Then we went
to go see an investigator. They were eating dinner but of course like all
wonderful Hispanics that invited us in to eat with them. It was some cold
seafood salad, but it was really good, eaten with a tostada and hot sauce! Of course we turned it into a lesson. We shared with them the
Because Of Him video! They loved it.
Tuesday we had our wonderful zone conference. I had quite a few
favorite parts so I will share them. First Sister Stewart the mission nurse
shared this story of the physical struggles of her cousin and how if her cousin
Gertrude could have done what she did we can do what we do as missionaries. Then
President Alba gave an amazing section on the worth of souls and how every soul
is important. Then we watch the butterfly circus. I had heard that president
alba had shown in before to some of the leaders and I remembered a little of it
from when Dad showed it to us, but from the point of few of a missionary it was
very impactful! I loved the attitude of Mendez and his pure goodness that was
able to help and strengthen others. That we are what we believe and that we
shouldn't hold ourselves back. I think that the counsel was exactly what
everyone needed to hear especially myself. My little side note of inspiration
from the discussion afterward was this -- The thing is that we have to change. We
can't just remain the same. We can't just give up either. Most of the time change is hard and it hurts really bad, but it is all worthy it -- Then Sister
Alba focused on a lot of things we should improve on and how to teach better. She gave us a mission miracle challenge of reading the Book of Mormon in
the next 3 months before our next zone conference and focusing on the pure
doctrine of Christ and the atonement of Jesus Christ. At the end Sister
Alba talked about obedience ad how we need to be obedient because we love God. During the course of the day President Alba got really sick, but after the
testimony meeting of those leaving. President told us that he trys so hard to
correct us with love and he ponders long and hard on how to help us and that no
one will understand what we went through on missions but Heavenly Father and
Jesus Christ. It was such a powerful meeting! Another Sister
and I, who are struggling with companion got blessings from the Assistants. We got the
exact help we needed! Then I went on exchanges to Woodland! I got to eat dinner
and teach members I knew and loved. It was great to just feel so homey
especially on exchanges!
I was with an Hermana who was in her second transfer out in the field.
She reminded me so much of the desires and innocence I had at the beginning of my
mission. It really helped me to have the desires to just work hard once again.
It was the smoothest change back, but we did see some great people. It was a
great day to just prepare for the future.
Thursday brought a bit of a surprise. We had a last minute trip to
Stockton with the mission nurse to see a psychiatrist there for Hermana
Santiago. Because of the timing we didn't get home until 8:00. We finished
teaching English class and went home. There was also another Sister with us to see
the doctor as well. Missionaries can only see member doctors. He is the only
LDS psychiatrist around so that is why we had to go so far. I just got to enjoy
the ride and try and keep my companion from worrying too much. The
mission nurse and I talked and talked!
Friday wasn't very eventful. It did include some good companionship
talks! It ended with us both realizing that we just want to work harder, so on
Saturday that is what we decided to do.
Saturday we has a blitz in our area and I got to be with Sister Hamilton,
one of the STLs in the zone. It was nice to have the opportunity to update her
on everything that has been going on. We didn't have a dinner so I went to
this panini shop to get a sandwich and it was really good! It was fun to go to
the little town panini shop! We got over 20 contacts and it was nice to get it
going again!
Sunday we got 24 contacts! We just kept going and going. Fast Sundays are
becoming on of my favorite days because of our hour of prayer! It is such a
great time to seek revelation and receive it. I learned the lesson that
murmuring only hinders our journey rather than helping it and that we can have
faith even when others around us don't. It was great to just feel the Lord speak
to me through his chosen servants. All I can say is that I KNOW the Church is
true. I don't know how I would face the trails and challenges of this life with
out his help and knowledge of the plan he has for us. I am so grateful for the
knowledge I have that my life means something and that I can choose to be happy
and strong because the Lord is just waiting for me to ask for his help. This is how
I changed. I remembered the power the Lord has to help and strengthen us and
more than that, I used that power in order to help me make a difficult situation
better. He is always there for us, we just have to let him in!
Con amor,
Hermana Cornwall
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